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For Boys 

grades 2-8

The goal of the Calvinist Cadet Corps

is to provide Christian men with a structure,

program, and materials that are uniquely

designed to help boys grow spiritually

in all areas of life - devotional, mental

physical and social.

Come alongside, learn about us, and help us

as we help boys learn what it means to

embody our motto, “Living for Jesus.”

Cadets meet the 1st & 3rd Wendesdays

of each month, from September-April

For more information please email us at:

at 7:00pm.

office@waylandcrc.org attention: Cadets

Studying the Bible.  Playing Sports.  Camping.  Going on Outings.  Building things with tools.  Making New Friends.   

office@waylandcrc.org | (269) 792-2828

Wayland Christian Reformed Church