“I am the Light of the World”. John 8:12In God’s creation, He has given us the sun, moonand stars for lights on the earth. Neither we, northe creation, could survive without these lights. Thesame is true of our spiritual life. Without the light ofJesus Christ we cannot be saved, for Jesus is theonly Savior – the Son of Righteousness. By Hisgrace we are drawn to Him, like the rays of the sun. His grace is offered to a world that is broken, likebroken glass - no matter what the size or color. Thebright Star of Bethlehem tells us that the Savior hascome. The empty cross tells us that Christ hasshed His blood, represented by the red ring ofglass, and has given His life for our salvation – acomplete redemption. May the Son ofRighteousness be our only comfort in life and indeath. John W. Davies(creator & constructor of stained glass)