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office@waylandcrc.org | (269) 792-2828

Wayland Christian Reformed Church


Studying the Bible.  Singing Songs.  Doing Crafts. 

Going on Outings.  Doing “girls stuff”.  Making New Friends. 

For Girls

grades 1-8

GEMS meet the 1st & 3rd Wendesdays

of each month, from September-April

at 7:00pm.

For more information please email us at:

office@waylandcrc.org attention: GEMS

Helping bring women and girls into a living,

dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ. 

It’s not easy being a girl today, admist culture’s

problems, pitfalls & pressures.  You want her

to feel confident, secure & loved for who she is. 

GEMS provides relevant resources to equip

moms, mentors & ministry leaders to

understand the challenges girls face today. 

GEMS program is designed to equip you to

help your girl embrace the Truth that she

is loved by God - no matter what.